Current puppies in training

Below are our dogs who are currently in training in order to be placed as started, partially trained or fully trained service dogs. NOTE: These dogs will be placed with the best match for their individual strengths, personalities and skills. We will work with you to pair the best fit for your needs and situation, rather than on a first-come, first-served basis.

Our wait list is currently OPEN to new applicants; read the information found here carefully before booking a consultation to begin your application.



Earliest placement date: 1/06/2026

Felicity is a gentle but confident soul; she’s laid back, easy to live with and happy to get up and work with you when you ask, but just as happy to go back to napping when you are done. She’s a nice balanced and easy puppy, and we can’t wait to see what she can do.


Earliest placement date: 1/06/2026

David turns into butter the moment you start handling him, and has a knack for gazing deep in your soul when returning eye contact. He will be a very loyal and committed companion, and is one of those puppies that just instantly heals everything that hurts. With those natural traits and a careful upbringing and training, we have high hopes for his future.


Earliest placement date: 1/06/2026

Joy has what we call a “sparkle”. She’s bouncy, joyful and a happy worker. She has drive that is handler-focused instead of independent, which will make her a skilled worker and likely to excel in medical alert and response tasks. She takes after her mother in every way which bodes well for her future!


Earliest placement date: 1/06/2026

Bill had a rough start in life with being diagnosed with juvenile cellulitis at 4 weeks of age; but that never slowed him down for a moment. He is a serious and focused worker, despite our best efforts to inform him he’s supposed to act like a puppy. He can’t wait to grow up and get a real job.

Past placements

Below are puppies who were raised and trained through our program before being placed with their forever partners.


Placed February 4th, 2025

Abigail has the sweetest and most biddable temperament that every Golden Retriever should have. She’s happy to go along with whatever activity her handler suggests, and does so confidently and cooperatively. She will continue training with her handler for the next 12-18 months and will become skilled in a wide variety of tasks and public access as a new city girl!

Meg and “Wanda”

Placed: January 13th, 2025

Wanda is laid back but not sensitive, and food motivated but not pushy. She joined Meg as a city-dweller and regular subway commuter and took to the new environment almost immediately. She will continue training for the next 8 months in finishing her task list, including guide work, hearing alerts and medical alert and response; in the meantime, Wanda continues to impress with her public access skills, and has already finished training in one of her tasks.

Wanda is the half sister of Eloise and daughter of Chino, who have both been bred for our first litter of puppies.

Felicia and “Sylvie”

Placed: August 5th, 2024

Sylvie is a happy, bouncy, joyful baby — everything that brings joy and humor into a new partnership, which is exactly what Felicia needed. Sylvie has a very biddable work drive, and is most happy when she is cuddling and playing with her best friend. She is in the process of learning a host of psychiatric tasks including deep pressure therapy, leading, medication retrieve, anxiety alert and behavior disruption. She’s confident and environmentally stable, which means she should reach a very high level of public access ability with her handler.

nicole and “evelyn”

Placed: January 18th, 2024

Evelyn was the first puppy our program added after moving to Connecticut, and has made us very proud! She has been trained to perform anxiety alerts, deep pressure therapy, emergency button activation, medication retrieval, behavior disruption and forward momentum pull to exits/safe places. Since being placed, she has assisted Nicole in living an independent and healthy life. She has successfully prevented psychiatric emergencies from escalating, and has been a great addition to Nicole’s treatment plan.

Evelyn is the half sister of Eloise and daughter of Chino, who have both been bred for our first litter of puppies.

Brina and “Charlotte”

Placed: February 17th, 2021

Charlotte was the final puppy raised and trained through our program before we moved away from California. Since being placed, she’s been a world traveler: Planes, cruises, hospital stays, ambulance rides, state fairs, and much more. She is happiest when she is working, both at home and in public. Her long list of tasks include medication retrieval, forward momentum pull, medical alert, deep pressure therapy, dropped item retrieves, emergency button activation and seizure response. We are very proud of Charlotte!