trained service dog options

Not everyone has the ability to train their own service dog. It might just be a problem getting through the puppy phase, or their disability makes it impossible to train through the advanced public access and task work. In order to help offset this problem, Joyful Paws Service Dogs offers the following options for levels of training in available service dogs.

A thorough cost and application process breakdown is located at the bottom of this page.

Our wait list is currently OPEN to new applicants; read the following information carefully before submitting the form to receive an application packet.

The minimum wait time is currently 12 months for a started service dog or three years for a fully trained service dog.


started service dogs

These are puppies who are placed between the ages of 8 and 12 months.

Typical cost: $11,600+ (cost breakdown below)

A started service dog in training will have received all the basic foundations of service dog training, and will only be placed if they show that they are promising service dog candidates and present no red flags for future learning. Their started training includes advanced socialization, started obedience, some foundations for future tasks and a functional understanding of public access behavior. These puppies will have been in consistent training for a minimum of 7 hours per week for their entire upbringing. Level of training standards and abilities will vary with each puppy, but the recipient will receive a full consultation and overview on the state of the dog’s training.
After being placed, the recipient will need to continue further training through the Owner Training option found here.

partially trained service dogs

These are dogs placed between the ages of 12-24 months.

Typical cost: $17,000+ (cost breakdown below)

A partially trained dog will have a minimum of one fully trained and reliable task specifically chosen for their recipient, and may include additional tasks either started or completed in training. They will have an advanced and functional understanding of public access behavior, though they may still need appropriate management, training and handling to maintain their behavior. These dogs will have been in consistent training for a minimum of 7 hours per week for their entire upbringing. Level of training standards and abilities will vary with each dog, but the recipient will receive a full consultation and overview on the state of the dog’s training.

After being placed, the recipient will need to continue further training through the Owner Training option found here.

fully trained service dogs

These dogs are placed as adult dogs, 24 months or older.

Typical cost: $36,200 (cost breakdown below)

A fully trained service dog will have a minimum of 3 fully trained and reliable tasks specifically chosen for the recipient. They will have demonstrated that they are confident, calm and focused in all types of public access environments, with reasonable management and guidance from their handler. Dog will have been cleared of any major health defects through DNA testing, OFA radiographs of hips and elbows, a CAER exam and an advanced echocardiogram/doppler through a licensed veterinary cardiologist. The final six months of training will have been specialized for the recipient matched.

After placement, the recipient will need to complete a standard number of placement and follow up sessions to learn how to maintain their dog’s training and to improve their bond to bring the best out of their teammate.

Request application

Most questions you might have have been answered in the information below — please read it carefully before requesting an application. You should receive the application packet within 48 hours.

Application/Wait list process

Step One: Complete the entire application packet

  • Completed application form

  • Pay the $75 application processing fee

  • A letter of personal reference from someone, other than a family member, that knows you well

  • A professional letter of reference from a therapist, social worker, teacher or other professional with whom you have regular contact

  • A short autobiography and picture

Step Two: Acceptance of application and waitlist deposit

After thoroughly reviewing your application packet, we will notify you if we accept your application. At this time, we will schedule further matchmaking evaluations and consultations to establish personal needs and goals. This will give us a thorough document to continuously refer to while considering a match and finishing the specialized training once a match has been made.

At this time a deposit of $100 is required and our waitlist contract must be signed. We have extremely limited space on our wait list so this is to ensure you are serious about your position. This deposit is refundable if a dog does not become available within 24 months of acceptance, but is not refundable if the applicant decides to withdraw their application before this time. 

Step Three: Wait and learn

We cannot guarantee wait times and they may last anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. We require you to attend our puppy meetings (virtually or in person) at least once per month (and recommend once per week) to begin learning how to handle a trained service dog and give us the opportunity to see you with various dogs to influence our matching decisions. These meetings occur every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:30-6:30.

Step Four: Fundraising clearance

When we believe we have a good match for you, we will give you the “all clear” to begin fundraising. This will be roughly 6-12 months prior to placement. We will not notify you of which dog we believe could be your match at this time.

Step Five: Match notification and placement deposit 

When we know we have a match for you, we will begin individualized training of your dog. This period will be roughly 1-6 months prior to placement. We will not notify you of which dog we are matching you at this time. 

At this time a deposit of $2,000 is required and our placement contract must be signed

Step Six: Full remaining payment due at time of placement 

After receiving full payment (with $2,100 discounted based on prior deposits), we will then start “match camp”. This consists of presenting your match to you and beginning the transfer training process (length of match camp dependent on level of training dog has received)

Step Seven: Continued placement support

After placement, we will do a minimum of 6 weekly sessions to ensure the transfer process is working well. Depending on how the training is going, we may continue weekly sessions or switch to monthly sessions for a minimum of 6 months for a fully trained dog, or the remainder of the dog’s training for a partially trained or started service dog. 

Step Eight: Yearly check-ins and recertification evaluations

After training and placement transfer is complete, we will check in once a year to evaluate the team’s continuing functionality and appropriate behavior as a fully trained and ADA compliant service dog team for the remainder of their working life.


placement costs

We know that the cost of a fully trained service dog is very high; this is because of the large initial investment we make in every puppy that enters our program, as well as the hundreds of hours that go into socializing, raising and training these dogs to top standards. 

Please do not be discouraged by these numbers, which seem shocking at first; instead, take time to review our fundraising guide (included in our application packet). Hundreds of teams are able to graduate each year with very little out of pocket costs, if the receiving handler is very invested in the fundraising to reach their financial goals.

Total Costs for Partially or Fully Trained Service Dog:

  • Base cost reimbursements: includes puppy purchase price, travel costs, veterinary care, food, pet insurance and flea/tick preventatives for a minimum of 6 months: $4,000

  • Care and training for a minimum of 6 months: $7,800

  • Additional care and training: $1,300 per additional month of care and training

  • Advanced health clearances reimbursements for fully trained dog OFA, Cardiac and CAER clearances (any dog over 24 months of age): $1,000


  • A dog who has been in training for 6 months and is placed as a started service dog will cost $11,600

  • A dog who is placed on their first birthday with 10 months of training will cost $17,000

  • A dog who has been in training for 12 months and is placed as a partially trained service dog (at 14 months of age) will cost $19,600

  • A dog who has been in training for 24 months and is placed as a fully trained service dog with health clearances will cost $36,200

Included in cost:

  • Dog placement on a 12 month leasing contract

  • All matchmaking interviews, evaluations and consultations

  • Dog’s existing gear: Collar, leash, cape, harness, bowl, toys, first bag of food etc

Not included in cost:

  • Additional training sessions: 

    • For a started service dog: Minimum of one half-day training session charged at $250 for one half-day training session at time of placement

    • For a partially trained service dog: Minimum of three half-day training sessions charged at $750 for three half-day training sessions at time of placement

    • For a fully trained service dog: Minimum of five half-day training sessions charged at $1,200 for five half-day training sessions at time of placement

    • Minimum of once weekly sessions for six weeks following placement charged at $600 for six lessons

    • Minimum of once monthly sessions for 6 months following placement charged at $600 for six lessons

    • Yearly recertification exams, charged at $100 per evaluation

  • Travel costs if needed; travel and lodging near client for a minimum one day for a started service dog, three days for a partially trained service dog, and five days for a fully trained service dog

  • Gear specific to handler’s disability, such as a guide, forward-momentum-pull or counterbalance harness